Overthinking: The trail to doom

By Wonder woman - June 18, 2018

Creative Mind

If you've ever had your mind spontaneously go blank in the middle of the conversation, then you know this feeling...

A feeling of apprehension which we call Anxiety originates from our own mind as we OVERTHINK. 

The unnecessary thoughts that occupy larger spaces of our minds sought to block our capacities to stay in present, as we are teleported to the realm of our own thoughts.

Once we go out of our own head, and allow the surroundings to take over our perceptive mind, we can instantly stand out by being present.

An empty mind is often a home to several pests and can also create monsters by distorting the reality.

One common sign of Overthinking is the act of playing and replaying situations or scenarios over and over again in our mind, which can definitely take a big toll not just on your head but on our overall well-being.

When we hesitate, we allow our Overthinking brain to take over and that causes us to minimize our own importance.

The worst of all, it causes us to be stuck in our own heads, leading to negative self talk
"Why do I always do this?"

Not only there are mental effects of Overthinking, but physical as well as health effects follow to the run.

One of the major effects is significantly seen in the sleeping pattern that further causes headaches and disturbs the circadian rhythm.
interwoven connections

Several psychologists have worked over for decades and their researches have clearly shown the significance of overthinking in developing a creative mind.

One of the best ways of channelising negative thoughts is to expand the horizon of cognition and playfully working hands on creativity.
The mind that overthinks takes risk and develops into a creative mind. 

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